Sustainable Materials Procurement Policy Statement 

Prichard’s considers that one of the greatest opportunities for improving its sustainable performance and that of its customers and supply chain is through its procurement processes. This is in line with the Environmental Policy including the elements of people, planet and profit. 

This policy outlines the key sustainable procurement principles, as established by BS8903, where Prichard’s will take continual and positive steps to improve its performance with focus on: 

  • The use of responsibly and ethically sourced materials 
  • The re-use of materials and use of materials with a high recycled content
  • Waste minimisation and recycling
  • The avoidance of toxic or hazardous materials
  • The use of materials with a low embodied impact
  • The use of durable materials
  • Labour sourcing
  • Increasing accessibility to a diverse range of suppliers
  • Supporting local economies through employment and skill programmes
  • Energy supplies and carbon impact
  • ICT hardware
  • Vehicles, fuel and logistics, and
  • Communication and training 

Prichard’s will address delivery of these performance areas through the following processes: 

  • Vetting of all suppliers and off takers, in line with this policy and the environmental policy to procure ethically sourced materials with an emphasis on reuse
  • Develop new recycling processes within the research and development department to maximise waste minimisation and increase recycling operations.
  • As a UK based operation, Prichard’s policy is to comply with all applicable national labour rights and employment laws. We also expect our supply chain partners to comply with applicable national laws, to observe fair employment practices, not to act in an unlawful or discriminatory manner and demonstrate this through policies, procedures and other evidence. Prichard’s will seek to expand and draw upon the widest possible group of individuals, including those from under-represented groups, to enhance its approach to inclusivity and diversity.
  • Prichard’s policy will be to reduce these impacts through the selection and use of energy efficient vehicles and plant as well as to influence behaviors in use. Measures will be implemented to monitor, record, and manage energy consumption with a view to seeking to reduce usage in line with the company’s emissions and carbon policies. Through its supply chain, 

Prichard’s will continue to assess new equipment options, sources of renewable energy and innovation and implement use where the business case allows.

The company will ensure that this policy and its objectives are understood, implemented and maintained. This will achieve continual improvement and lead to the progressive development of the sustainable procurement system. In addition to this, staff will, at all times, observe the policies and instructions issued by competent, recognised authorities when visiting customer sites and premises. If, in the event that such instruction appears to contradict our policy statements, common sense or create potential environmental or safety hazards, staff are instructed to refer to his Director or Supervisor for advice before proceeding. This policy is communicated to all staff and is displayed on office notice boards. 

Date: January 2024 


Tom Prichard
Managing Director