Let Us Take Care of the Restoration

Prichard’s have extensive experience in carrying out large land and remediation projects throughout the UK.

The Company has experience in both contaminated land remediation and Geotechnical remediation and has the plant and resource to safely and efficiently carry out any size of project.

Recent projects have included bulk earthworks operations of over one million m3 in size, dynamic compaction and contaminated water treatment and processing in conjunction with our in-house environmental team. We have experience in permit and regulatory compliance, insuring all necessary consents and protections are in place

“…has the plant and resource to safely and efficiently carry out any size of project.”

Prichard’s have our own in-house engineering department and fleet of GPS machine-controlled dozers, excavators and roller systems ensuring every projects specifications are met and operations are executed efficiently.

As a business we are continually investing and updating our plant fleet with the latest advanced technology to help reduce our carbon footprint.

Partnered with our transport department and comprehensive range of tipper wagons and articulated vehicles we can be in full control of all waste operations onsite and offsite to provide assurances that you can rely on the Prichard’s team to meet all earthworks and remediation requirements.



If you would like to know more please call us on 01443 226 170 or contact us on the form below.

Let us know what you are looking for and we’ll get back to you straight away.

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