- Principal Contractor – remediation works of the 40 acre former Golf Course in Caerphilly.
- Excavation of nearly 500,000m3 of material in two phases.
- Peat deposits at 4-5m depth which need to be removed out of the development areas and placed into borrow pits in public open space areas.
- Excavating and processing 30,000m3 of material per week. Phase 1 will be completed by October 2021 and Phase 2 will commence in 2023.
- Our scope includes Section 278 works to construct a new site entrance and the new drainage connections into the site.
- Groundwater is a major problem on the site and requires constant pumping, settlement lagoon construction and water control measures in place.
- Substantial Japanese Knotweed removal, air monitoring, continuous testing of the site soils and correspondence the Natural Resources Wales and Caerphilly Council.