Environmental Policy Statement

Tom Prichard Holdings and its staff are committed to minimising its effect on the environment and recognise that environmental issues are of fundamental importance to a successful and responsible business strategy. We operate at all times showing due regard to global and local considerations and issues. All personnel will therefore conduct themselves in such a manner as to improve the environment or ensure that its operations minimise any impact. It is therefore committed, through a process of continual improvement, to prevent pollution, minimise the environmental impact of its operations and improve performance.

In line with this commitment our statement of general policy is: 

  • to comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, customer requirements and internal requirements

  • to set environmental objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed

  • to consider each stage of a project and undertake environmental risk assessments

  • to minimise energy usage and waste wherever practical

  • to re-use materials wherever practical

  • where re-use is not possible, to segregate and re-cycle materials wherever practical

  • to provide our employees with the necessary training in order to achieve best environmental practice

  • to communicate this policy to all employees in order to obtain their full cooperation

  • to monitor progress using internal auditing

  • to review and revise this policy on a regular basis and make it available to interested parties

Promotion of sound environmental awareness and general encouragement for staff to raise issues of concern and make recommendations and offer ideas to the Management to improve the performance of Tom Prichard Holdings. The company will ensure that this policy and its objectives are understood, implemented and maintained. This will be achieved through continual improvement and lead to the progressive development of the environmental management system. In addition to this field staff will, at all times, observe the environmental policies and instructions issued by competent, recognised authorities when visiting customer sites and premises. If, in the event that such instruction appears to contradict Tom Prichard Holdings policy statements, common sense or create potential environmental or safety hazards, staff are instructed to refer to his director or Supervisor for advice before proceeding.

This policy is communicated to all staff and is displayed on office notice boards.


Date: March 2024


Tom Prichard
Managing Director